VMR Tempe Streetcar
Tempe, Arizona
The Tempe Streetcar Project comprised approximately three miles of single and double streetcar trackway extending through downtown to the Dorsey Lane LRT Station. The project scope included 14 stops, embedded trackwork, traction power substations, signals and powered switch machines for crossovers, communications and ticket vending machines.
Mass. Electric Construction Co. (MEC) was responsible for providing three, MEC-designed, -manufactured, -installed and -commissioned traction power substations. As well as installation of 187 OCS poles, 174 OCS cantilevers and installation of Tensorex spring auto tension system to support 25,000 LF of single catenary trolly wire. MEC also assisted the Authority will all systems integration testing.
Tempe Street car will serve one of the highest transit ridership centers in the region and connect riders to neighborhoods, business centers, and regional destinations. As the Valley’s first streetcar line, it will connect to the comprehensive LRT transit network.